Clioro® – eine Marke der Dettinger Schmuck GmbH
Westliche Karl-Friedrich-Straße 89
D-75172 Pforzheim, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 72 31 15 50 97
Fax: +49 (0) 72 31 15 50 98
Please use our
Contact form
Your contact persons
If you have any questions about our jewelry, please feel free to contact us at our head office
or get in touch with your personal contact person.
DE / AT / NL
Ulrike Richwien
Phone: +49 173 27 19 067
Gerwin Platz jr.
Phone: +1 214 912 30 59
Gold colors
Our jewelry is made exclusively in 18kt yellow, white and red gold.
Colors and lengths
All necklaces and bracelets can be ordered in any length, as long as the elements and their arrangement allow it. Bracelets can also be ordered in individual sizes, for this we need the height and width of the wrist. You can use our sheet to determine the correct bangle-size in the dealer portal.
Minimum quantities
There is no minimum quantity at Clioro®. You can buy following your needs.
Production techniques
Clioro® chains are made by our specially trained goldsmiths, whose production techniques have a long tradition in northern Italy. Elements are drawn, wound, punched and cast.
We source the gold from the secondary cycle which means it is recycled gold. This is the most environmentally friendly option.
Clioro® exclusively uses diamonds in the quality G/vs.
The diamonds used for Clioro products are conflict-free and comply with the UN resolutions of the “Kimberley Certification Agreement”. The procurement of the diamonds is in line with applicable international sanctions, so we can rule out the possibility of Russian sources.
The working conditions meet the high European standard due to the production sites in Germany and Italy.
The manufactured and supplied pieces of jewelry are made of the highest professional and ethical standards in accordance with the CIBJO (International Jewelry Federation) Code of Ethics.
If this does not answer your questions, please contact our head office on +49 (0) 72 31 15 50 97 or info(at) or your individual contact.